In 1982, a "controversial" human skull fragment was discovered. Which would place "Orce's man" as the oldest hominid found to date in Eurasia. The bones found at Venta Micena were indeed human according to paleonthologist Josep Gibert, despite the fact that their age and importance are disputed by the scientific community.
The detractors of J. Gibert, by the presence of a crest in the fossil which was discovered affirm that it was about the remains of an equine and not of a human. However, recent research has concluded that a fossil baby tooth from a child found at Barranco León, one of Orce's archaeological sites, is considered the oldest human remains in Western Europe, with 1.4 million years.
In those ancient times, a large lake was present, on the edges of which accumulated bones that constitute the site, comparable to a den of scavengers. Such as hyenas, which carried the remains of animals hunted by large carnivores. And, probably, the remains of hominids that lived in the area, among which were those who were attributed the recovered skull fragment.